Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Currency Speculators Can Affect Forex Markets

Controversy about currency speculators, their impact on Forex markets, and how much effect they have on currency devaluations and national economies.

Nevertheless, many economists (e.g. Milton Friedman) have argued that speculators perform the important function of providing a market for hedgers and transferring risk from those people who don't wish to bear it, to those who do. Other economists (e.g. Joseph Stiglitz) however, may consider this argument to be based more on politics and a free market philosophy than on economics.

Large hedge funds and other well capitalized "position traders" are the main professional speculators. Currency speculation - Forex trading - is considered a highly suspect activity in many countries. While investment in traditional financial instruments like bonds or stocks often is considered to contribute positively to economic growth by providing capital, currency speculation does not, according to this view; it is simply gambling, that often interferes with economic policy. For example, in 1992, currency speculation forced the Central Bank of Sweden to raise interest rates for a few days to 150% per annum, and later to devalue the krona. Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is one well known proponent of this view. He blamed the devaluation of the Malaysian ringgit in 1997 on George Soros and other speculators.

Gregory Millman reports on an opposing view, comparing speculators to "vigilantes" who simply help "enforce" international agreements and anticipate the effects of basic economic "laws" in order to profit.In this view, countries may develop unsustainable financial bubbles or otherwise mishandle their national economies, and forex speculators only made the inevitable collapse happen sooner. A relatively quick collapse might even be preferable to continued economic mishandling. Mahathir Mohamad and other critics of speculation are viewed as trying to deflect
the blame from them for having caused the unsustainable economic conditions.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Forex Automatic Trading Robots

If you're considering, or already are dabbling in the foreign currency marketplace, you've probably heard much ado about Forex automatic trading robots. You may have seen hard-to-believe promises about how this software can triple your trading gains in just weeks, boost your returns by triple-digit ROI's, and other extraordinary claims.

But what exactly are "automated trading robots" anyway?

Forex automatic trading robots are software programs designed to monitor and place profitable FX trades for you, unattended. The software is based on complex algorithms which try to seek out highly profitable trades. All that your job entails is to enter the trade figures in the software and the rest of the calculations will be done automatically by this robot. They are used widely by both individual traders and legal financial institutions.

Most traders find that they cannot trust such automated trading robots that do not require their involvement, whereas others like me are curious and continually test this type of technology out to see if they really work. It is normal for people to be afraid of trusting computer software to handle their money for them. I am only confident because I always try to understand the concepts behind the robot's trading system before I use it on my live account.

An automated Forex trading system eliminates the need to research and speculate before you trade a currency. Some of these systems come as software, which you need to download on your computer. Once you switch the system on, it will try to speculate just like a human trader, which currency is going to go up in price and gives you message to buy the currency. After this, the system also tells when to sell the currency to get a maximum amount of profit.

Some systems are entirely automatic, doing the trading on your behalf. Other systems require varying degrees of user involvement. There are also other systems like trading signal services, which are monthly subscription-based service. After you enroll to this program, this system sends you signals as to when and which currencies are to buy and sell.

One thing that is appealing about a robot is it eliminates human error. One of the things that messes up a lot of traders is their own errors and emotions can prevent them from effectively trading a system. Most traders will fail with a trading strategy and blame the strategy and then move on to the next one. For a lot of traders this ends up being the whole pattern of their trading career.

Excess time spent on currency market analysis for buying and selling foreign currencies could end up turning your Forex profits into a currency loss. This type of software can give you more opportunity to look into new Forex investments more quickly – and look at new Forex profits.

Still, Forex automatic trading robots don't eliminate the need to understand the basics of foreign currency exchange. Without a strong foundation in the basics, you might as well just flip a coin!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Forex Trading Books

Whether you are new at trading or an ole pro, it’s always good to check out Forex trading books to research new trends and techniques. There are countless books and materials online for the hardened trader to fine tune his craft. They include trading techniques and strategies. There are plenty of websites available that you can look up to find these books.

The types of Forex books available range from how-to’s to market trends. The difficulty of the techniques range from book to book. It’s best to try and find a book to fit your style of trading and your expertise of the trades. It’s a good idea to talk to other traders and see what books them use and reference.

The beginner Forex books are the proverbial “Dummies” books. They will be the simplest and easiest books that will hold your hand and give you step by step instructions on making your first trade. Don’t be scared to pick one up if you want to get started but don know where to turn.

The Intermediate Forex books are going to be the meat of the bunch. They will cover more advanced techniques that will tell you a bit more about how to identify rising trends and read the charts and histories. This is good when you are comfortable with making trades and want higher yields with a somewhat low risk.

The advanced Forex books are more for the “mavericks” of the group. These people will have large amounts to invest and want quick, high yield results. There is more risk involved with the tips of these books, but when they work, it’s more rewarding.

The best way to locate these Forex trading books and reviews is to shop online at online retailers. There are many online bookstores who will allow customer their experiences with the Forex books they use. Then you can either download the .PDF or have them mailed to you.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Forex Trading Tips

Forex trading tips may be a "dime-a-dozen", but the RIGHT one is what makes millionaires!

Ask any trader of FX currency. They will tell you the secret to their success. It is most assuredly different for everyone. Each person has their inside tip and strategy that will work for them. Each one can be viable and can be used effectively, but it really depends on the trading style of the trader.

You can decide to let other people work for you instead of making the choices for which currency pairs you want to trade. This is managed by a Forex managed account. Other people will make the decisions and plan the strategies for you.

If you want to research the field, you can buy or rent books that will discuss the latest tips and tricks for “trend spotting” and how to read the charts and history. There is a lot of good information from the recently published books and magazines.

You can decide to automate your trades with a Forex bot. This will be a program that has a complex algorithm built into a program that will attempt to pick pairs and buy and sell them at optimal times. This usually is set up to have low yield returns, but will have a better chance for returns.

One other way to get some good strategies is to check Forex chat rooms or message boards. Talk to others who will be able to help you and give you some good tips and tricks. This is a good way for you to meet others of like interest.

Overall, there are plenty of places and resources for you to find the information you need - the RIGHT Forex trading tips. Just be sure to double check your resources and make sure that you can verify any suggestions or strategies Try and pick stuff your style and have fun!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Forex Trading Is The Largest Trading Market In The World

The foreign currency exchange market is one of the largest in the world, making Forex trading one of the most lucrative trading markets in the world. The reason people are making millions of dollars a year is because the market is so liquid and it is not affected by trends or world events. In order to get started, you must learn a few things before you are ready to make your first trade.

You first must learn about the Forex market. The basic principal is that you are going to trade money to get other money. That money will go up in value against another type of money and you will trade that. Say $50 is worth 45 Euros. You have 45 Euros now, Trade that into Yen, you have 2000 yen. The dollar goes up in value against the yen and you swap it back to dollars, and end up having $75.

There are plenty of services out there that will help you with your trades. There are online brokers everywhere who will petition for your patronage. When deciding on a broker, look for hidden fees and trade costs. Also see if the they have a free practice account. This way you can work on you’re craft with no loss to you.

Now that you’re an experienced Forex trader, it’s time to use real money. Take about $50 to $100 dollars and see how you do. There’s no limit on how much you invest. Of course, the more you invest, the higher the yields.

When you work on your investing skills, you should notice that there is a proverbial tide with market prices. Check on the history of the pairs you are buying and you should be able to tell if they are in an incline or a decline. You can focus on low yield transactions and keep a steady stream of money coming in, or risk it on high yield purchases

If you do Forex trading correctly, this can be a full time job. This field makes millionaires. Remember that 70% of traders do loose most of their money due to lack of financial planning. Don’t be a 70%er, focus and don’t take too many chances with your money. Learn the trade, minimal risks, and small returns are the safe trader’s way.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

How Much Does The Financial Crises Effect The FX Currency Trading Markets?

Global Economy, Foreign Currency Exchange, and the FX Currency Trading Market

The current financial crises has long since spread beyond just the US, and now effects the currencies of countries in Europe, Asia, and elsewhere.

The Forex marketplace is comprised of foreign currency pairs, so anything that effects these currencies can effect the FX trading market.

Of course, daytraders can often profit from even mild fluctuations in currency markets. But these opportunities may actually be counter-productive in that the waves occurring through the global Forex marketplace might be too steep.

This can make even relatively "safe" day trading FX investments risk, or at least riskier due to the depth and frequency, or dips in the global economy.
If you are a FX currency trader, you may have felt the impact. Or perhaps the foreign exchange markets are immune.

This is the question: if you do mostly Forex currency trading, you know whether the global financial turmoil has effected your trading. If you aren't a trader, what are your throughts?

Friday, April 24, 2009

FX Online Trading, And How You Can Benefit From It

FX online trading takes advantage of advances in online trading, but in the global trillion-plus dollar FX (foreign currency exchange) marketplace.

Trading has been around for the longest time, back in the day in the old kingdoms when an egg was considered a form of currency and that could get you about a good dinner and a pint of grog at your local tavern. Fast forward to today and trading has taken in a storm in the world economy. Anything that is within the sphere of demand and supply and can be traded between two parties is called a commodity and this is the term being thrown about by traders. Traditional trading was done through phone, meetings, talks and a lengthy process of introduction that took some time before an agreement could be reached. Remember how long a free trade agreement used to take? Well in a certain sense similar but to a smaller scale. Now with the internet, online trading is the new ‘it’, because it is easier, faster and much more accessible for anyone to get into online buying and selling, making easy money from an upturn of demand and a drop of supply.

Online trading has crossed over to all sectors on the internet – from commodities like Forex capital, futures, stocks and bonds, metals, precious metals – even plantations even Burma and livestock in the Middle East, they are all goods and services that come under the umbrella term of commodities that can be traded with all over the world. This means more and more opportunity for you to make the money fast and open up several revenue streams for your benefit.. Its all about the business inflow and outflow – which means how a business is performing in a particular market. You have to be a sort of economics Nostradamus – knowing how much business there will be in the future. For example, the Beijing Olympics and the developments that preceded it increased the demand for base metals and iron about 100 fold in the world metals market, which caused its price to rise a lot. Prudent traders bought up as much of the commodity as they could and sold it back to the Chinese market and thus made quite a bit of money from it. You see how easy it is? Well don’t judge world shaking events like this as the only way you can predict how much or how little a commodity will cost. With a recession like this that we are experiencing, the demand for certain things will be bound to drop and rise at the same time, its just about identifying what you can or cannot buy and when to do it.

Online trading is simply buying and selling and this is something anyone can do – a fact made that much more tenable by the fact that you can do it on the internet from home, with just a click of a mouse and market watching on your cable T.V. Learning is also an important part of your investment journey and once you wise up to the market you choose, you will sure make good money on the side.

For more information about profiting from FX, click here to visit the Forex Trading website!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Online Paper Trading Made Easy With A Forex Demo Account

Forex demo accounts let you "try before you buy". This is something that should be implemented into investment platforms that you will putting in thousands and even ten thousands dollars into. The Forex trade or also called the paper trade is one of the more popular investment solutions for those of us wanting to turn a quick profit. In these chaotic times, many investors have pulled their money out of futures, equities and stocks & bonds and placed them into the Forex market. Because of this you get a market that is highly excitable and one that has many different players changing its very market psychology on a daily basis. With a 1.3 trillion dollar turnover every single day of the week, this is something we should all get into but I think we should all be able to have a go first before we invest all our efforts into it. The online paper trade made easy with a demo account - that is what all brokerage firms should aim for.

With a demo account, you get placed into a simulated environment which closely matches the chaotic environment of the Forex markets and this is valuable experience for anyone who has long term plans when it comes to investing. It also gives you a taste of what you can expect; nobody wants to buy a car without actually sitting down in the drivers seat and giving the machine a run around the track first. I think this is especially valuable because only then will you truly know if this is something you want to get into. Enthusiasm and the draw of making huge amounts of money can sometime overshadow the realists in us and it should never be too late to realise that the Forex market, or any other sort of investment options, is not the thing for you. Find out early and see if you are comfortable with trading in the online paper trade.

Demo accounts that give you simulated funds in an simulated environment also gives us onsite experience. This means that we can make as many mistakes and learn from them. Mistakes made in this virtual environment is highly more desirable than making them with real money that just happens to be yours. The Forex market is a highly sensitive environment that can be affected by almost any situation and change in economic and political factors all over the world. Once you experience this first hand will you know about the structure of the online paper trade and what personality you need to effectively wrestle with it on a daily basis.

In the end of the day, try before you buy is always a good idea. Sure, the advertising can be flashy and the promises can be running through your head everyday. Being impressed and driven by it is different from sitting down and actually doing something, so a demo account will let you know all the ups and downs of Forex trade and see whether or not you are built for its pressure sensitive environment.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Trading Currencies on the Forex Market

The most lucrative and liquid trading market in the world is the Foreign Currency Exchange Market, or Forex Market - so named because you are literally trading currencies. This market literally makes people millionaires - though plenty lose their shirt as well, sometimes for the same reasons!

Forex trading is easy to get into it, but it’s also hard to master. There are plenty of resources to get you started, but there are a few key things to think about when you are looking.

First, here’s what Forex trading is all about. The basic idea is that you are exchanging money from once currency type to another. Say we do the Euro/USA pair. The price is 1.5/1.0, that’s 1.5 euro for 1.0 dollars. Buy 300 units of Euro. Later that day, the price of Euro rises from 1.5 to 2.0. This is your chance to sell the 500 Euro and turn it into USA dollars.

FX trades need to run these trades through a broker. You can find them in the phone book or you can sign up online. The brokers online usually have a program you install so you can see the market information. Check out their information and read up on fee’s and service costs. A good idea is if they have a practice account, it will let you have the chance to work on live trades, but only with fake money.

When you master funny money, you can start using your own. I would suggest starting with a low denomination. No one gets far by spending $10,000 on their first trades. The market is unforgiving with trades and you should only create trades that you don’t mind loosing at first.

When you are able to get a pulse on the market, it’s safe to invest more. The higher the yield the more the risk. A good strategy is low returns. This is something that the bots do. Focus on getting small profit on each trade, but be sure the trades are consistent and constant.

If you work hard, this can become a full time job and give you enough to retire on. You must understand that 70% of Forex traders do loose more money than they gain. So keep up with your information and constantly strive for new angles. Don’t be reckless and be satisfied with low return trades if you are getting them frequently.